The Mount of Mars
(a) Indications of a Martian type
Dominating Mounts of Mars - a big thick hand - a medium - sized thumb - very strong phalange of will power - hand rectangular in shape.
(b) Physical features
Moderate height - Stoutly built - strong constitution - head small - large development at the base of the brain - back of the neck broad - face round, skin thick and strong - an open brow - short, crisp and curly hair - large sparkling eyes - large mouth - thin lips - sharp, long and curved nose - short, broad and protruding chin - big and red ears - round and fat cheeks - broad chest - powerful legs and long feet - militant gait.
(c) Psychological dispositions
Amiable and generous - loyal and faithful - kind and helpful- reserved and calm - totally unconcerned when in danger - altruistic - plenty of energy and perseverance - amorous by nature - not vicious but physically excited even over trivial matters - domineering spirit - not amenable to logical reasoning - fond of eating - aggressive - self-confident - patient - self-reliant - fighting tendency.
(d) Health indications
Given to fever and intestinal disorders - tendency to throat trouble, bronchitis and various ailments of the respiratory tract, high blood pressure, etc.