Vastu Planning

Relevance of Vaastu Vaastu is being increasingly used as a tool to analyze the role of a building in the health and fortunes of its inhabitants. The scientific basis of vaastu, in terms of energy is understood now than ever before.

Some traditional techniques for creating well being in the build space are:

I. The central courtyard:

The central court coincides with the resting Vaastu purusha’s central body composed of lung, heart and stomach. Physically this part (of the building) offers the heart nexus or feeling center, the lung or praana center, the stomach or digestive center, and the nabhi or creative center

II. The central Energy Axis:

The central axis known as the brahma sutra runs through every building. Psychologically, this axis which is known as ‘vamsa modam’ or backbone, is considered to be the core of the building and hence of importance in the health of the occupants.

III. The top Ventilator or Hot Air Vent:

The chimney, the top ventilator, are physical representation of the vertical movement of the standing purusha, which is also the axis of the ‘praana’(life force). These slits helped in the natural movement of air within the rooms of a house.

IV. Rear garden:

In the rear is usually located a small garden with space available for animals. The private garden is the buildings connection with nature. In modern flats, this would be replaced by a sit out or terrace with potted plants. The relationship between the garden and nature is a great energy resource for its occupants.

V. Rain water catchments:

The garden is sloped and its base built a brick lined depression for rainwater to collect in. it is especially beneficial for hot, dry areas.

VI. Combining waste- water channels with a vegetable garden:

To prevent different water from harming potable water in wells simple channels are made so that they can be used for vegetable patches.

VII. Mud walls, Lime wash, Earth Red, low-dung, Thatch:

Festivals, holy days and seasons have been systematically demarcated for the application of lime, cow- dung and earth, red on the walls or floor as part of a ritual. Besides marking a special occasion they also help in containing white ants and rodents. Spring-cleaning is not just cleaning, but also an occasion to get rid of the negative energy.

VIII. Medicinal plants and herbs:

Every traditional house recommended the planting of herbs and medicinal plants (trees) as also flowers for ‘puja’. These plants with their healing power and fragrance add positive energies to the environment.

IX. Periodic fumigation of house:

Different kinds of incenses, herbs, minerals and plants are used for cleansing the air in a house. Periodic use of different herbs, neem leaves,” sambrani” incense and firewood smoke help in getting rid of mosquitoes, bacteria, micro-organisms as well as removing negative energy accumulation.

X. Importance of doors:

The entrance of a house is one of the most powerful points. It connects the activity-based identity of the individual with his inner self, denoted by the private spaces within. Traditionally, the door would be scaled and designed for each family and would hence be unique.

XI. Verandahs as buffers and connectors:

In the lifestyle of the families, the outer verandah not only played the part of the dust and heat collector, but also helped in the social interaction of the family. Vaastu, which combines the rigor and discipline of design with the traditional perspective toward individual comfort and community linkage, is certainly relevant in a world where isolation has become commonplace.




Following are some of the golden Tips of Vastu Shastra :

1. Shape of the plot should be either rectangular or square.
2. Ratio of length to width should be less than 2.
3. Doors facing south are not at all advisable.
4. House next to temple or grave-yard should be avoided.
5. All doors and windows facing east and north should be kept open in daytime whereas those facing south and west should be kept closed when not in use.
6. Try to avoid seller in your premises.
7. No one should sleep and seat under beam of iron.
8. The head of the family or couple’s bedroom should be on southwest corner of the building.
9. While sleeping head should be kept in south or west direction.
10. One should use light colors for Bedroom walls, bed-sheets, and nightdress.
11. The seating arrangement in drawing room should be such that person faces either north or east only.
12. South, west or southwest directions are advisable for electronic instruments and apparatus.
13. Important cupboards should be kept in such a way that the person opening it should face south direction.
14. Mandir or puja room should be kept in northeast. One should seat facing east when praying, and, should use silver utensils and wear silk dress.
15. Kitchen should be kept in southeast or in northwest only. Person should face east or north when cooking.
16. Everybody should face east or north while eating.



Posted Comments
"Vaastu Sastra is also a traditional art of maikng homes in Hindu culture. It is a study of maikng your home perfect in viewpoint of its orientation. It is a good art and belief as far as I know."
Posted By:  Jaroslav
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