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Vastu for Industries

Even for industries too, the selection of site is very important. Besides the fact that sufficient water and electricity should be available , the Vastu of the plot, such as the shape of the plot, the roads facing the plot and the ground level inside and outside the site are very important.
The various principles of Vastu  which aid in setting up an  industry are as follows.

1. Main roads towards east, north or north-east are advisable with wide gates on two sides.

2. Gates in north-east or east or north-west are recommended.

3. Guard room should be either on north-west side of north-gate
or south-east side of east gate.

4. Minimum space should be kept in south and west where big trees could be grown. More open
space should be left in north and east where lawns and other greenery can be grown.

5. The floor levels in south-west must be higher than other sides and height of the building also
must be higher than all the other corners. Care has to be taken to have the store rooms in
south-west fully loaded with stocks to the extend possible. As and when the stocks are
consumed they should be replaced immediately.

6. Car parking may be provided in north-west if open area is available. For light vehicles north-
east could  also be used.

7. Administrative offices are to be located either in north or east, away from boundary walls
with less height  than the main factory. Here special care has to be taken in keep in north-
east corner open.

8. Staff quarters may be constructed in south-east and north-west. If quarters are multi-storied
and if the  height is more than of main factory, they should be constructed in south-west
without touching the main  premises.

9. Toilets should be places in north-west or south-eastern part of the buildings, and not in
north- east or south-west.

10. Wells, bore wells water pumps and water ponds etc. should be in the north-eastern area.

11. Over head tanks may be erected in west and nearby, duly maintaining the heights. South-
west and north-east sides including north and east should be avoided, for constructing
overhead tanks. This is a  bit controversial subject and hence one should be very careful in
locating the overhead tanks and also  the water tanks above the ground level.

12. Heavy machinery has to be installed in south, west or south-west in the factory.

13. Raw materials storage, whether inside the factory or sheds outside, should be in south or
west or  south-west.

14. Finished products are to be kept in the north-west corner. It will help for quick movements of
the  stocks.

15. Products under process or unfinished goods may be kept in west direction.

16. Weighing machine may be located near the gate either in north or east because that area is
not  subjected to permanent weight.

17. Transformers, generators, motors, boilers, furnaces, oil engines should be kept in south-east
or close to south-east.

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"please provide remedies for direction vise vastu dosha."
Posted By:  nilesh
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