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Home Remedy For Nose Bleed

  • The best way to stop bleeding in the nose would be to blow the nose, forcefully, once. By doing this, the clot, if any, will come out. Once the clot is out, the opening in the nose will contract itself.
  • Put a drop or two of lemon juice in the nostril that is bleeding. This is an effective way to stop nose bleed.
  • Saline water serves as a good natural remedy for treating nose bleed. For this, put a pinch of salt in half a glass of water and spray it inside the nose.
  • Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the bleeding nose. It helps the blood to congeal and will bring the bleeding to a stop.
  • When nosebleed occurs, you need to make sure that the surroundings are not dry. Humidify the air with a good air humidifier. This would prevent the nose from working exceedingly hard, thereby preventing bleeding.
  • In a pint of water, add a tsp of goldenseal. Put the solution in a pan and place it on flame. Once the first boil comes, turn off the flame and let the decoction settle down. When it gets cool, snuff some into the nostrils. Repeat this a few times a day.
  • Apply an ice pack on the exterior of the nose. This is an easy and effective way to cure nose bleeding.
  • Placing a wet towel on the head has been found to be beneficial in curing nose bleeding.
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