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Which Acupressure points used to Enhance Fertility in Women


Infertility, now days, is developing as one of the top health problems between couples. It is the stage where a woman unable to conceive even after having regular sexual intercourse throughout a year without taking any precautions.

Women tend to have more chances of infertility as compared to men. This can be due to high stress, tension, depression, lack of physical activity and other serious health problems.

But, there are many advanced medical treatments have taken place to resolve this dreadful obstacle.

Acupressure is one of them which powers to improve fertility in both woman and man.




This acupressure point is positioned exact above the hair line. It can be seen on two sides of the scalp and over the eyebrows.

Applying gentle pressure helps in healing premenstrual syndrome, uncomfortable and painful menstruation. Apart from this, it aids in normalizing the menstrual cycle.




This point is also known as third eye point. It is one of the very effective acupressure points. This acupressure point is positioned exactly in between the two eyebrows. Gentle pressure using finger on this point can relieve headache, migraine and anxiety. It also works effectively in enhancing the roles of the pituitary gland that balances the release of female sex hormones.


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This point is situated on both sides of belly button at a distance of one inch. Pressuring these points aids to perfect autoimmune associated infertility problems caused by disturbed immunological response. Thus, apply this useful acupressure points to boost common fertility condition which raise the chances of conception in females.




This acupressure point is placed on around 2 inches lower the navel. This point works wonders to recover the strength of the uterus. It helps to enhance blood circulation and prepares the uterus for fertilization.

Apart from this, it supports the proper functions of the kidney which encourages absolute detoxification of the body.




This acupressure point lies 1 and a half inches lower the navel or belly button. Regular apply of this acupressure point can aid in enhancing energy of the body and encourage libido. Apart from this, this point heals tiredness, chronic fatigue and stress.








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